SCOOTERS and motor scooters have returned to Cape Girardeau!
Classic Cycles, 338 Christine St, Cape Girardeau, Missouri is now stocking scooters, motor scooters and pit bikes. Visit our showroom to see the wide variety available. Warranties, service and maintenance are provided in our experienced service department.
The most familiar model of scooters is the 49cc (commonly referred to as 50cc). These are the scooters that don’t require a motorcycle license. Missouri drivers are required to have a valid driver’s license to operate on public roads.
Classic Cycles also stocks 125, 150 and larger motor scooters which are considered motorcycles. They have many options including radio, USB and SIM card connections on certain models. The motor scooters are available in the typical scooter style or a “sport bike” style. A couple advantages of the motor scooters over the smaller scooters include the ability to stay up with traffic on busier roads and better acceleration when pulling out into traffic.